Books on AutoLISP
AutoCAD Release 14: Customization Guide, Part II
The Customization Guide is one of three major manuals that comes with the AutoCAD software.  Part II of this manual, consisting of 402 pages, is a comprehensive, no-nonsense handbook on AutoLISP.  It is well organized and well indexed.  This is your single most authoritative source on AutoLISP.  The tutorial in Chapter 11 is well worth the time.
Hasemer, Tony, Looking at LISP, Addison-Wesley, 19??
Recommended as a background source in AutoCAD's Customization Guide.

Rawls & Hagen, AutoLISP Programming Principles and Techniques, Goodheart-Willcox, 1998
Covers Release 14
Chapters include (1) Fundamentals, (2) Program files, (3) List processing, (4) User input, (5) Distances and angles, (6) Advanced math functions, (7) Strings & conversions, (8) Conditionals, (9) Looping, (10) Advanced list manipulation, (11) Entity database, (12) Selection sets, (13) Entity-manipulation techniques, (14) File handling & environmental variables, (15) Symbol tables, (16) Graphics screen & input device functions, (17) Programmable dialog boxes, (18) Programmable dialog box functions, (19) Programming & debugging techniques.
Appendices include a function quick reference, DXF group codes, error codes, ASCII codes, etc.
Good organization, thorough, lots of short examples (needs more longer examples), good index.

Winston & Horn, LISP, 3nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1984
Recommended as a background source in AutoCAD's Customization Guide.
Covers LISP (not AutoLISP) so it includes many functions not in AutoLISP and omits many functions that are in AutoLISP.  Nevertheless, very thorough.  Excellent explanation of the concepts.  Good examples.  Well worth reading the sections related to AutoLISP.  A 3rd edition is available

Copyright © 1988, 1998 Ronald W. Leigh